Finding my Good

Hey Friends!!! First I will start with the stuff everyone starts with. I will tell you those "anybody can find that out" about me stuff - and then I will tell you about me - the crazy "only my friends know" stuff.
I live in the tiny little town of Portland, Ontario. I am married to my best friend. Together we have 3 boys, 2 dogs, 4 horses, a flock of chickens, and 2 turkeys.
I am an introvert. Occasionally accused of being shy but that's not it. I choose to have a small tribe of people. I am absolutely a twelve year old horse and dog crazy girl inside a 48 year old's body! - yup I just told you my age. I have some form of ADD and OCD (the everything must be clean and organized kind - not the numbers or matching sock type) but its what makes me me. I drive an older truck because we get each other and cars scare the bejeepers out of me. I don't sit still often and if you come over for a visit chances are I'm going to clean something while we talk. Everything I own has a name - Rocket, Happy, Al, Aunt May, Red, and Leo are not living things. I love to read - pretty much anything as long as it is interesting. I don't watch TV often but when I do it almost always a movie. I wouldn't pass up a good chick flick or drama but I am obsessed with the Avengers Series - I feel like we are family. In my music library you can find anything from George Straight to Taylor Swift, Bruce Springsteen to Lainey Wilson.....ohhhh so, so many favorites. Miley, Dolly, Morgan. Phil, Carrie.....
My idea of a perfect date is a truck bed watching the stars or a campfire and a lawn chair after a hike with the dogs. I have travelled a little in my horse training years but I am pretty content to stay home.
Lastly, my dream home is a cabin in the woods and if I could make any wish come true I would adopt every older dog that had been surrendered to the pound, and give them a home for their final days.